Different Ways to Quit and Break the Sedentary Lifestyle

Posted by Alan - November 6, 2020

In this day and age, society is designed for a sedentary lifestyle. More people spend most of their time sitting or lying down. Unfortunately, because of the global pandemic, many are required to stay and work at home, resulting in excessive time sitting down or staying in bed. 

When you're sedentary, you have an inactive lifestyle, which puts you at risk of getting severe health conditions, such as heart disease, obesity, stroke, and more. Additionally, being sedentary can also have adverse effects on your mental state and can cause depression and anxiety. 

Thankfully, some people are aware of these negative effects and are taking the necessary actions and lifestyle changes, like incorporating more exercise and getting physiotherapy treatments, to keep their bodies moving. 

If you're having a challenging time quitting and breaking the sedentary lifestyle, we've got you covered. Below is a list of different ways to change up your habits to help you stop leading a sedentary lifestyle. Let's get your body moving!

Before we begin...

Before you start changing your lifestyle, you need to understand why you need to quit the sedentary lifestyle. 

  • You're spendings hours in a day inactive

You spend over half of your day sitting down. Activities like driving, working at a desk, bingeing shows on Netflix or even chilling by the window are passive activities. If done excessively, these activities have adverse effects on your body.

  • You're not burning enough calories a day

Although you burn some calories when you stand, walk or even fidget, you should know that these tiny activities aren't enough to burn the required amount of calories your body needs to release. When you don't burn enough calories during the day, you put yourself at risk for unhealthy weight gain.

What should I do to avoid a sedentary lifestyle?

  1. Do more walking

You don't have to force yourself to run or jog for miles every day to burn more calories and to keep your body moving. You can make tiny but significant changes like parking your car further away from the entrance to help you walk longer distances. 

  1. Incorporate some stretching and workouts daily

When you work the whole day, you forget to move your body. One way to squeeze in some movement is by setting the alarm after every hour to remind you to stretch and move your body.

Also, you might want to squeeze in a workout after sitting in front of your desk all day. This won't only give your body a break, but it's an excellent way to get a mental break for you as well. 

  1. Turn hanging out to an active get-together

One of the best ways to help you stay active is to have accountability. Ask your friends to help you stay accountable during your fitness journey by motivating you to move.

You can even invite them to join fitness classes, like Zumba, rock climbing or even pilates. There are physiotherapy clinics that offer massages and reformer pilates classes that can help you stay moving, helping you get out of being inactive. 


It's incredibly important that you keep your body active throughout the day because staying sedentary can have adverse effects on your health in the long run. By moving more, doing more exercise and getting physiotherapy, you'll slowly get out of the sedentary lifestyle rut and have a healthier and happier life. 

If you're looking for physiotherapy in Brisbane, Anytime Physio is here for you. We are a family-owned physiotherapy clinic that offers cost-effective physiotherapy, remedial massage and pilates services. Set an appointment with us today!