Anytime Physio Blog

Sprained Ankle 101: What You Need to Know & What You Should Do

Written by Alan | Sep 4, 2020 7:07:22 AM

Getting a sprained ankle is one of the most common injuries around the world. You can get this type of injury through sports or by merely walking, and it can get frustrating to deal with a sprained ankle because it gets in the way of your daily tasks. 


Most of the time, sprained ankles are not a serious medical injury. In most cases, resting and doing proper home remedies will do the trick. However, there are some instances when you will need physiotherapy sessions to help ease the pain and recover quickly. 


If you are curious about sprained ankles, here is the ultimate guide on this type of injury, its causes, and what you can do to recover.


What is a sprained ankle?


When you accidentally roll, twist or turn your ankle to an awkward position, chances are, you will get a sprained ankle. This is caused by overstretching or tearing of ligaments or tissues that help hold your ankle bones together. 


Sprained ankles can go from mild to severe, depending on the level of stretch and damage of its tissues. Mild cases are usually just overstretching of the tissue, and a moderate case would have a small tear. Meanwhile, a severe case would have more significant damage, such as a rupture and a complete tear. Unfortunately, severe ankle sprains can also cause torn tissues from the bone or even fractures. 


How long will this injury last?


Depending on the severity, most mild sprained ankles usually have a recovery period of less than 2 weeks. For moderate cases, recovery will last from 2 weeks to as long as 6 weeks. Meanwhile, for severe cases, you will have to be in bed for more than 6 weeks to help you recover.


When you have moderate to severe cases, it is recommended to seek help from medical professionals and get physiotherapy sessions. This way, you will be able to recover faster and get back on your feet in no time. 


How do I protect my sprained ankle?


The best thing you can do is to rest and not put stress on your affected ankle. When you have a sprained ankle, you may find it challenging to walk for a few days, so it is best not to put much strain into it.


For the first 72 hours since the injury, make sure to apply ice on the area for 15 minutes for about  3-4 times a day. This will help reduce swelling and discomfort. Another thing you want to remember is to elevate your ankle above the heart. This will also help reduce inflammation around your ankles. 


How do I properly restore my ankle's functions?


Before you can go back to your daily tasks and training, you want to make sure you restore its range of motion, strength and your body's agility. These factors are incredibly important because they significantly affect your performance.


The best way to regenerate and restore your ankle's functions is by getting regular physiotherapy sessions. This is ideal because you will be going through a custom program that best fits the severity of your sprained ankles. 




When you have a sprained ankle, have it checked right away at your nearest healthcare clinic. This way, you will be able to know your recovery time and if you need primary treatment such as physiotherapy sessions. If you follow your doctor's recommendations, you will heal, recover faster and get back on your feet in no time. 


If you are looking to get physiotherapy in Brisbane, Anytime Physio is the clinic for you. We are a team of medical experts who specialises in medical services, such as physiotherapy, remedial massage, clinical Pilates and more. Book an appointment with us today!