Anytime Physio Blog

Dealing With Wrist Tendinopathy: A Patient’s Basic Guide

Written by Alan | May 14, 2021 10:00:23 AM

Wrist tendinopathy is a painful swelling that occurs when the affected area is inflamed due to small muscle tears. While it may simply affect a specific portion of the hand, it can be difficult to write, cook, exercise, and do other complex tasks. In effect, it becomes a nuisance to deal with daily unless proper treatment is sought after and the root causes are identified. To do so, use this guide as your starting point to getting and feeling better: 

What Causes Wrist Tendinopathy?

Wrist tendinopathy is primarily caused by repetitive strain due to movements that require the wrist joints. It is more gradual than other similar complications and can be detected before severe pain occurs through swelling, stiffness, and creaking around the joints. It does disappear when you use your hands and wrists or even exposing it to focused heat, like during hot showers. While your wrist may not be painful now, it would be best to seek treatment when the early warning signs show up to mitigate discomfort. 

Why Should I See a Physiotherapist for My Wrist Tendinopathy? 

Since wrist tendinopathy is a musculoskeletal concern, seeing a physiotherapist is the best way to address it since it is their area of specialisation. They can help alleviate the limited range in motion, muscle weakness, and general numbness. The treatment is more gradual since you need to influence your body’s natural regenerative properties. Doing this helps prevent recurring pain and inflammation. 

What Are the Common Treatments for Wrist Tendinopathy? 

For temporary treatments, what you can do is use a cold compress on your wrist. Preferably, it would be best to utilise ice wrapped in a damp towel or a frozen pack of peas. It should be applied for 15-20 minutes or until the inflammation subsides. 

Another temporary treatment you can look into is using pain killer liniment for severe joint pains. However, be careful not to overuse the product because it may yield a burning sensation. The best way is to dab just a little of it to a bearable amount. Then, you can massage it using a hand that is not affected by the wrist tendinopathy. Just remember that these methods are used up until you can see your physiotherapist as they devise a personalised treatment plan for wrist tendinopathy. 

Commonly, what most patients undergo for wrist problems is pain mitigation and exercise therapy to get the healthy blood flow going as your wrist joint’s area of concern slowly becomes less inflamed. Since the process is tedious and you have to wait a while before gaining favourable results, the physiotherapist will direct you through a series of exercises and positions to influence fast healing while minimising discomfort. This treatment will let the muscle tearing heal and strengthen. The consultations may be done online if your condition becomes better after a few exercise therapy sessions. 


Wrist tendinopathy can be a nuisance to deal with, but there are ways to treat it and prevent it from happening again. Fortunately, you have a better understanding of what you must do to feel better. It is just a matter of ensuring that you get the assistance and treatment you need from specialists like us!

Are you in need of in-person or online physiotherapy consultations in Brisbane? Get in touch with us at Anytime Physio. We utilise cost-effective techniques to ensure every session with us counts towards your health and well-being. Get your wrist tendinopathy and other medical complications addressed by our team today!